
the emotional feelings network of sites is a not
for profit personal network of sites offering information for self help purposes. In no way should the information within
this site replace advice given to you by a medical or mental health professional. Please, take the time to notify your doctor
of any changes you intend upon making concerning your diet, exercise, relaxation, sleep, counseling or medications.
the emotional feelings network
of sites works on a navigational system designed for ultimate education and understanding of all topics. Upon educating and understanding the information within the network it will be the most beneficial experience for you to make changes or take action in your life for change.
All underlined link words open up a new window instead of changing your present one, taking you to another site
within the emotional feelings network of sites - or to another site referencing
the underlined link word!
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or would like to communicate
with me via e-mail by clicking here!
Are you able to accept some simple advice? |

It's very important that you visit the: keeping in touch page!
You can help yourself by helping others. You might not think so; but it's true. Find something you can do to help some worthy causes. "Keeping in Touch" will show you some important causes that need you!
By Phil Ochs
Sit by my side, come as close as the air,
Share in a memory of gray
And wander in my words, dream about the pictures
That I play of changes.
Green leaves of summer turn red in the fall
To brown and to yellow they fade.
And then they have to die,
trapped within the circle time parade of changes.
Scenes of my young years were warm in my mind,
Visions of shadows that shine.
'Til one day I returned and found they were the
Victims of the vines of changes.
The world's spinning madly,
it drifts in the dark
Swings through a hollow of haze,
A race around the stars,
a journey through
The universe ablaze with changes.
Moments of magic will glow in the night
All fears of the forest are gone
But when the morning breaks they're swept away by
Golden drops of dawn, of changes.
Passions will part to a strange melody.
As fires will sometimes burn cold.
Like petals in the wind,
we're puppets to the silver strings of souls, of changes.
Your tears will be trembling, now we're somewhere else,
One last cup of wine we will pour
And I'll kiss you one more time, and leave you on the
rolling river shores of changes.
(repeat first verse)
Note to you all: I fell in love with
this song that was dedicated to a friend of mine who passed away this year. I was amazed that this would be the perfect place
for it.
You would be surprised! Simple daily changes in your everyday rituals may make a difference for our environment. Please, read the article connected below by clicking on the links. Listen to me please, doing simple positive actions, that are not only helping the world and our environment - will also increase your confidence, self esteem & sense of purpose!
The Road Not Taken
TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And
be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took
the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there Had worn them really about
the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh,
I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads to way, I doubted if I
should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages
hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And
that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost
changes is here to support you...
the site for those in search of a new
"Throw back the shoulders, let the heart sing, let the eyes flash, let the mind be lifted up, look upward
& say to yourself: Nothing is impossible!"
Norman Vincent Peale
click here |

click here` |
may include some self discovery...
mental health assessment...
repositioning of priorites...
a "mental illness" can keep us from feeling physically well...
learn about mental illness at the emotional feelings network's, anxieties 101.
capture balance in your life & family & once you do.... mold
it, refine it & never forget its importance & treasure it!....read more about it at emotional feelings, 3! click on the word "balance" to get there now!
if you've traveled here from another site in the emotional
feelings network of sites, you're already aware of what's going on here.... it's all about changes!
this site takes the subject of change - one
step further!
You can read about "accepting change" at the layer down under (another
site in the network). But implementing change
is another subject that we take care of here! How to get yourself in the changing mode,
making tough decisions, handling the frustration, the agonies of defeat & keeping yourself in mind - to forgive & changing all over again!

That's understandable! You've been working
on personal growth. That's a very time consuming, confusing journey to undertake! I'm so proud of you for taking it on! But,
it's so difficult to know what to do next! Once you've decided to change your diet, your lifestyle exercise, your relaxation
habits, your sleep habits... examining your feelings & emotions, taking on counseling & even.... maybe taking new
meds, if you're experiencing a mental illness - it seems like your head is so full of new information that it's difficult
to make something happen. You're overwhelmed!
This site takes off where the other sites in the emotional feelings network of sites end. You're learning lots of new info concerning making your life full
of peace & well being. There's so much to do that you could easily just sit back and stay the way you are! But you're
making a choice to get better & changes wants to help!
If you're arriving here
from a search engine or because someone has recommended the site, here's a brief overview of the
emotional feelings network of sites!
Tips for navigating thru
the emotional feelings network of sites!
please read each paragraph below carefully
so you can understand & consider how these sites can be helpful for you.
Site Note:
every emotion or feeling page has a dictionary definition at
the top of the page.
reading the dictionary definition can set the stage
for the following articles you'll find for that specific emotion or feeling. you will find as posted below:
the named emotion or feeling
the most pertinent definitions for that word
some pages includes quotations pertinent to the
specific emotion or feeling

click here to read about volunteering |
I was personally very touched by this inspiring story as I watched it on
television last night (2/27/07); especially after I experienced a life altering injury which took me 2 years to recover from.
What I want to ask you is...
If you can't help out with the helmets, below for our military men, can
you volunteer or help our returning soldiers who are recovering with extreme traumatic brain injury?
Here are some links!
Check them out, I know that my family will be searching for a way we can help!
Remember, extreme or traumatic physical injuries affect mental health as well.
What is Operation Helmet?
Founded in 2003 by Dr. Robert H. Meaders whose grandson is an active duty Marine in Iraq, Operation Helmet is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization dedicated
to providing safer helmet pad upgrade kits to the troops in Iraq & Afghanistan.
To date, more than 6,000 kits have been shipped to the troops in the field.

click here! |

feature #1: underlined link words
I believe & work very hard to offer this special feature
within all of the emotional feelings network of sites webpages. When you read thru the articles,
definitions or quotations - you will see the underlined link words (all emotion & feeling
words, as well as other specifically pertinent to recovery & personal growth words) that are offered for you to delve even further into the meaning of
the information being displayed.
The reason I believe this so important for you in
recovery from many dysfunctions or personal growth efforts is that often we can't make progress until we allow ourselves to be open
to all possibilities & allow ourselves to develop a sense of curiosity.
When you click on the underlined
link words - a new window will always open - leaving you with the original window of information that you began with.
You don't have to delete your original window, just minimize it until you have looked over your new & additional information
concerning the emotion or feeling underlined link word you clicked on.
There are also underlined link words for additional
resources offered to you as in:
- It's in the News... article titles you can click on
that will open in a new browser window as well - that are pertinent & up to date with information concerning the emotion
or feeling word featured on the page
- Very Important Additional Resources....article titles
or website addresses for additional resource information that is very valuable - no need to search the web on a search engine
- these sites are pertinent & timely in their presentations
- Article & Book Titles within an article.... you'll
find article links for articles copyrighted & not posted at the authors request, but too valuable to leave out, additional
referred to articles as posted by the author of the article & links to websites that the author refers to within
the articles.

feature #2: the emotional feelings network of
Throughout the 3 years I've been working on these sites, the information base has grown immensely. I found that personally, while my research
began with learning about mental illness, I progressed in my personal growth & recovery until I realized that it was essential that I work on my unresolved feelings & emotions - learning to identify
what I have been feeling & not dealing with throughout my life - to begin to resolve dysfunctional events in my life.
In beginning to
study emotions & feelings I found that so many emotions & feelings were intertwined with each other that I began to
have to add more emotions & feelings to my original "one" emotional feelings site.
Then I discovered
as well that our unresolved emotions & feelings are directly tied into our mental illnesses, dysfunctional thinking, false
or misguided beliefs, eating disorders, lifestyle habits, etc. until I realized that the only possible option was to include
a network of sites that would link everything together.
This is another
reason why the underlined link word system is so important. the underlined link words will
take you throughout a network of sites that pertain to many important subjects.

using feature #2:
All emotions
& feelings are in alphabetical order. You will travel through
the underlined link words throughout the emotional feelings network
of sites.
This is the index of all the sites
you'll find within the network:
Emotional Feelings: containing all feelings & emotions that begin
with “a”
Emotional Feelings, 3: containing all feelings & emotions beginning with the letter "b"
Emotional Feelings, too: containing all feelings & emotions that begin
with “c”
Emotional Feelings, 4: containing all feelings & emotions that begin with
the letter "d"
Feeling Emotional, too: containing all feelings & emotions
beginning with the letters “e &
f ”
Feeling Emotional, 4: containing all feelings & emotions beginning
with the letters "g thru i"
Feeling Emotional, 3: containing all feelings & emotions beginning with the letters
"j thru n"
Feeling Emotional: containing all feelings & emotions
beginning with the letters “o thru r”
extremely emotional: containing all feelings & emotions beginning with the letter "s thru w"
your "Un"emotional Side: This site highlights all feelings &
emotions using the prefix "un" before them - i.e., unaware, unacceptable, uncontrollable,
the layer down under: this site offers more than feelings & emotions! the subjects contained in the layer down under are highlighted in the lefthand
column to give you the feel of some important topics you'll need to consider in feeling
& emotion work as well as general personal growth or recovery processes.
the self pages: containing the topics that are prefixed
with the word, "self" - such as self acceptance, self actualization,
self defeated, self help, self love, etc.
anxieties 101: this site contains information concerning the following topics. you can click on any of the
underlined title words to travel over to that specific page if you see something that you are immediately interested in!
what is mental illness?
anxiety disorders
generalized & social anxiety disorders: separation anxiety mentioned as well
caregiver anxiety
panic disorder: information regarding panic attacks included
phobias: specific phobias, social phobia, agoraphobia - additional page linked off of this page: the phobia list
obsessive compulsive disorder: mention of other obsessive compulsive disorder (tourettes, etc.)
post traumatic stress disorder: acute stress disorder
since depression is very often co-existing
with the above anxiety disorders as well as emotions & feelings, eating disorders, abuse & other forms of dysfunction,
there's plenty of information regarding depression & other mood, or affective disorders included.
depression page: links to other depression information within the site - additional pages linked off of this page: bipolar disorder, mood & affective disorders
how it all works: this page is offered because I found the information very important in understanding mental illness & recovery processes, how your brain works, how your brain is linked to many subjects, etc. as well as a glossary of mental health terms...
the more you
learn about mental illness, the more you begin to realize about how prevalent it is within different
age groups. therefore, i've broken it down into different age levels on each of the following pages...
children & mental illness: topics concerning children & mental illness as well as info concerning the currently being developed site, children 101 - this site can be accessed while being developed! additional pages linked off of this page: parenting 101
teens & mental illness: different topics concerning teens & mental illness for parents to look over as well as info about the teenscene site!
young adults & mental illness: what concerns young adults directly in relationship with mental health & well being, i.e., college, eating disorders
& other issues
men & mental illness: what concerns men directly with mental health & lifestyle, parenting, job related issues
women & mental illness: what concerns women directly in relationship with mental health, parenting, career & other issues -separate page for
women about hormonal changes & connection with mental illness
seniors & mental illness:what concerns seniors directly in relationship with mental health, life transitions & other issues
lifestyle factors
have a huge link to our mental health. through my research i found that i needed education concerning my lifestyle habits
that had a great bearing on my well being, so i included lifestyle pages on this site as well.
lifestyle diet: it's surprising to learn the ramifications of a nutritious diet in relationship with your mental health
& well being!
lifestyle exercise: a direct connection to mental health! the importance of exercise in your life!
lifestyle sleep: information regarding sleep habits, sleep, sleep hygeine & the importance of sleep in relation to
mental health....additional pages linked from this page: insomnia, special sleep problems in children
lifestyle relaxation: descriptions concerning different relaxation techniques & explanations as to how important relaxation
is in our lives
lifestyle counseling: explanations of different kinds of counseling, the importance of counseling, definitions concerning
counseling, etc.
lifestyle medications: information concerning medications used for different mental illness & sleep disorders
disasters unpredicted: page accessed from this page: understanding trauma
the following is a separate site you may
visit with the emotional feelings network of sites!
night eating: i experienced this eating/sleeping disorder for most of my life
& finally beat it. this website offers information concerning eating & sleeping disorder & pays particular attention
to night eating syndrome!
teenscene: this site is for teens, similar to anxieties101!

feature #3: special word definitions!
some authors use some pretty strange words in their articles,
so i highlight words that may be difficult to understand with the color pink! the definition is then included at the bottom
of that page!
feature #4:
at the bottom of each page there is a link to
the site where the articles displayed on each page came from, unless, of course, i have accessed that information somewhere
& an unknown source was listed.
feature # 5: some articles by yours truly!
you'll find the notation, "personal note:" or sometimes just an article with my
name, "kathleen," or "kathleen howe" as the author. i try to write on each homepage an article entitled, "i just gotta say it!" all participation by yours truly
is totally dependent on how much time i have available for it...
read a special "just gotta say it" column at the layer down under, concerning porn addictions
by clicking here!
who knows who lies behind the guise of those
sick & negative thoughts & feelings within you?

Visiting The Layer Down Under: click the underlined
The Layer Down Under at one time, was
included in the spare space on each site and consists of additional information that wasn't accessible thru our navigational
menu on the left hand side of each page. The Layer Down Under is a source of information concerning the tools that
you'll need to "dig in deep" while exploring your emotions & feelings.
I named it The Layer Down Under because as you'll soon discover, if you haven't already, that there
are layers & layers of unresolved emotions & feelings buried deep within each of us. To get down beneath the very first layer of
them all, you need to learn some additional information that will help you understand how to resolve those old hurts,
raw open & sore emotions that have been underlying everything you have done in your life.
Discover one emotion & be sure that it's secondary to the original or another emotion that's above the original
emotion experienced during your traumas. That's the way it works.... Just peel back the layers down under to learn more &
more buried information.
Subjects covered in The
Layer Down Under....

Addictions - Drug & Alcohol Abuse, Gambling, Smoking, and more... Becoming addicted to something is a negative coping
mechanism that we use to keep us from feeling the pain we have inside us...

Attitudes... What's yours?
We all have attitudes. Learn more about how your attitude affects your daily life & impedes your progress in self
growth & discover.....
Beliefs - Extracting False Ones....
We all have beliefs.
Most of our belief systems were formed when we were children living in a dysfunctional world... often times learned from our parents who were
dysfunctional themselves....

Body Image.... I myself have lived w/an eating
disorder for most of my life, "night eating syndrome." Professionals aren't quite sure what to do with this
disorder yet. Although it was discovered in the 1950's, professionals haven't studied much about it.... I believe that
my negative body image sold me on eating at night for comfort among other things.... Read more about what
people are facing these days w/their own body image issues....

Accepting Change.... Change isn't easy. We all get used to doing things a certain way &
although we may know it's not the "best" way for us that we do these things... it's so hard to accept that we have to change.
Acceptance is the first detail to work on when we're talking about changing ourselves....

This page is just about emotions, not one in particular, but about how we deal with our emotions, the importance of
emotions, what happens to our emotions if we don't feel them & end up stuffing them - also about kids & their emotions
as well as teens!
Feelings The same goes for this "feelings page." About feelings generally, why we experience feelings, what we do with them,
what we don't do with them that we should as well as other general information concerning feelings... it's an interesting

While professionals & experts, well - you know - those educated
people, maybe like you, are out their in their worlds of business, finance, and other mainstays of our modern world, there
seems to be an elemnet of doubt concerning some of the subjects contained in The Layer Down Under...
Like... how important is it for us to look for insightful information
in our every day lives?... After being raised by well educated parents who didn't know anything about "insight" I can
rightfully say that most people are letting their educations get in the way of this important factor that they're missing
out on in their educated lives.... that's right, i said it.... don't be too educated to miss out on concentrating on
the insightful information you may be missing in your daily life, this page talks about that abit!
Another blessing
often passed by is the gift of inspiration. How open are you to allowing yourself to be touched by an inspiring message? How
hard do some of you work to look the other way, saying, "this is crap...." instead of pondering on what could be a very inspiring
This is an interesting topic that I've wanted to cover from the beginning of my website ventures.... you could
"I've had the intention
of covering this topic since the beginning of the emotional feelings network, perhaps because it hits so close to home (being a personal interest) that I've procrastinated a bit about it." Just what do your intentions
say about you as an individual? How come many of us fall short on fulfilling our good intentions? An interesting topic - are
you willing to ask yourself some important questions?
Just how intuitive
do you allow yourself to be?
Do you hold any
stock whatsoever in what your intuition tells you? Maybe you should check out this page to find out the importance of
being open & present enough to rely on your intuition for making important decisions.

Letting Go.... Do you know how? After we discover that underneath our anger with life there's an open wound left behind from abandonment, abuse or
some other dysfunction in our past, how willing are you to sit and feel that unresolved emotion or feeling, so you can "let
go" of it & settle that account out of your life? Don't know how? This page lends some insight on that topic.
Listening... Are you an empathetic listener?
This is one of my personal vices.... I admit it. I'm not a good
listener at times, especially when it comes to my husband. I sure want him to listen to me though. The times do happen though,
when I can keep my mouth shut long enough to soak in just what he's trying to tell me, and believe me.... it's usually a very
insightful experience. It's amazing what we can learn about others as well as ourselves when we choose to keep our mouths
shut and empathetically listen to someone.
Mingling with Mindfulness...
Another faux pas of the educated community, is ignoring the
fact that most of us are not living "in the present' moment to allow ourselves to be mindful. It's how we solve some of our
most difficult blockages, by being mindful of what is happening around us, by what we encounter along the journey of self
growth. Let yourself become mindful - it takes practice, but well worth the effort.
Opinion... Everyone seems to have one.... This
is a subject that I have had trouble finding information on believe it or not.... Opinions are everywhere, available to us
everyday whether we want to listen to them or not! I like opinions. I am curious as to why people believe the way they do!
I like to ask some questions after I hear peoples' opinions & try to understand just why they think the way they do. Hoping
to learn something from someone's elses belief system is an interesting opportunity. How curious are you about someone elses'
opinions? Can you say you even care how anyone else thinks?

living in "the present"
Are you always thinking ahead or behind? Many of us are stuck in a rut of a very common avoidance behavior that involves
us being preoccupied with what we have experienced in the past, which hinders our growing in the present moment, or always
thinking ahead as to what we want to do in our future. taking the time to be "present" in your life allows you to use some
of the tools you'll find in The Layer Down Under, to be happier in your life & make some important changes.
Reflections.... how clear is your mirror of opportunity?
That's right,
how clear is your mirror of opportunity? Do you take the time
to reflect on anything? Does your behavior reflect a certain behavior you're stuck in? Do you even want to go there? Be real
with yourself, letting your authentic self be known. Take time to reflect on important subjects, be open, mindful & in
the present moment to reflect on just who you are as a person.
Risk Taking ... How Vulnerable will you allow yourself to be? Pretty good question, isn't it?
Life can be extremely hurtful to us at times.
I rely on the wisdom of a great book when I think about taking risks.... it's a book that I read when I was a teenager,
it seemed to be all the craze back then, but it's wisdom is eternal... the author, kahlil gibran in the book - The Prophet
- offers such gems as "how can you know joy if you haven't experienced sorrow?" that's what risk taking is about.... allowing
yourself to be open, maybe to sorrow, but what can you learn from that sorrow is my question to you.... what can you learn
from letting down your defensive outer shell & learning to take some risks?
Self Esteem....
if only my parents had known about this... how different would I be today? I ask myself.... it's the
topic of the moment it seems.... just how much importance do you put into your self esteem? are you just ignoring the craze?
it's not one... it's really an important topic... get where you want to be by learning more about your self esteem on this
Another topic that puts us to the test... are you letting your education stand in the way of being open to spirituality?
What do you hold sacred in your belief system? I struggle with this one as well.... 12 steppers are all about their "Higher
Christians are all about their "God"... Muslims, Jews, Buddhists are all about who they hold sacred in their beliefs
as well... what do you truly believe?.... do you think that spirituality is only about religion? Take some time to consider
your sense of spirituality in your life...
Now we know that
we can be stressed even in the womb. What about that? Geez o Pete! It's amazing what research can tell us these days about
stress... learn more about keeping stress out of your life here....
Thoughts & Our Thinking Processes
Not Dinnertime conversation for us baby boomers - that's for sure...
For us it was always the line from our parents, "Because that's
what I said!" or "Because that's the way it is!" Well for us as adults, we have to examine how we think, especially
us "boomers." What we believed is most likely, not so, and how we think, is most likely slightly mixed up.... can you be real enough
with yourself to really examine & maybe even change how you think about things?

the three newest pages at the layer down under!
boundaries....: something we need to learn about for healthier relationships!
how miserable is your life because your expectations
never seem to come to fruition? perhaps we need to evaluate those expectations or get rid of them all together!
humor.... how many people do you wish had a better sense of humor?
how about yourself? did you forget that you were supposed to have one?
Here's a story I wrote for Newsvine.com - a group I belong to...
At The End Of Your Day...
by Kathleen Howe
the end of each day, do you reflect back from the time you woke up and ask yourself, "What did I accomplish today?"
or "Who did I touch with something I said or did today?" and honestly take the time to search your day for answers to these
questions. Each of us - if we are to live with ourselves in good conscience; must have a deep seeded belief that we are to
treat our fellow man as we would like to be treated ourselves. If this is fact, why wouldn't we take the time each day to
hold ourselves accountable? Why wouldn't we take the few minutes it would take to account for touching someone elses' life
besides our own?
Does it matter what religion we follow
in order for this to be of utmost importance to us? Is politics your religion? Do you think more of what candidate lies the
most or who will ruin our country the fastest than you do of what you personally can do to change the life of just one person
each day you are alive? Is it too difficult for us to reach out to others? Are we too selfish to expect this type of servitude
of our own selves? I'm curious, does it hurt too much to try to help someone and they don't respond? What is it that isn't
changing our world as we know it? Why aren't we all wallowing in the "love light" of loving our neighbor as our self?
People ask who is responsible for
the state of our economy today and the answer is truly visible should one dare to look at it. Who in business has lied
today? Take a number, you are responsible for the aching need within the one country in the world that catches the world's
eye no matter what happens within. Who in business has been greedy today? Take a number as well, the meat counter is very
busy today with "special cuts" of beef being on special. If you can grasp that analogy... think about it some more.
Who in business has disregarded the
health and well being of other Americans today while keeping their own needs, wants and benefits in their decision
making processes? Who cares about those who don't have what they have in life - like a job? It has been a cut throat, man
eat man, woman eat woman world in America's business history in the past twenty-five years and I believe that the state of
the economy has been the fat sacrificial pig.
Has capitalism finally met its demise
in the true sense of the world? When big business is forced to use the governmental credit card they've been saving to survive
- just as millions of Americans have been forced to do for decades, the pot has truly called the kettle black. What gives?
I'll tell you. There are not many business people in this world hanging on to the Golden Rule. It's not just business that
has shifted to this "easy way" of living. It's government, it's the educational system, it's not a dog eat dog world anymore
- people are gnawing their way through other people as if the cannibal special is working its way to extinction. Which it
just might be.
I took a week off of Newsvine
to see what's happening in my other part of my world and it's going bazonkers! Big time bazonkers... I was forced to see that
other people don't give two hoots about what's happening in anyone else's lives because it takes too much time away from their
hobbies, their fun, their self serving - time consuming adventures in whatever floats their own individual boats. I got back
to my own little world where I chose to make a commitment to myself about having a hobby of substance, one that would help
others while I helped myself.
I was confronted with those people
with whom my life has revolved for just over six years. I got back to thinking about someone else during the day besides myself.
I had to reach down deep to find something within me that would be loving and kind and of help to someone outside of my immediate
family. I had to keep on doing all those other things that I do for my family, but keeping my commitment to myself that I
would sit at the end of my day and reflect on what I had done for someone else. I committed to making a difference in someone's
life every day of my life. Is that too much to ask of anyone?
In today's economy I don't
understand how anyone in the banking business can say with good conscience that charging someone $75.00 in an overdraft charge
for a check written that was 5 cents short is a good thing to do to someone. I remember when the bank would call me and say,
"Did you realize that you were going to be overdrawn when you wrote that check?" before they decided to charge me the $15.00
that I thought was outrageous back then. I remember when my bank honored my word over such a thing.
Now they don't care at all.
They will take your money, hundreds of thousands of dollars of your money, but if you make a mistake when subtracting - they'll
charge you an arm and a leg which will cause your entire bank book balance to go crazy and you'll end up being charged another
few hundred dollars in charges along the way. But the bankers don't go home at night and think about what they did to help
anyone anymore. There are many bankers out there who are nervous, anxious and depressed because they can't go to sleep at
night because they didn't help anyone that day; in fact, they most likely financially raped someone that day a few hundred
times over.
It's not just the bankers.
Think about General Motors and their snap team of CEO, Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Directors of every department; too
new to the company to know the men that put in thirty two years into the company. Shoot, none of them will ever put thirty
two years into a company in this world! There is no more loyalty in business. It's that man eat man world out there, remember?
Not one of these administrators of General Motors gives two hoots about the thousands of men and women who worked thirty plus
years in the company and who have to pay for health benefits promised to be free for years because of the investment the workers
had put into the system.
But that was back when the system
was thriving. The system thrived under the pretense of employer/employee loyalty - remember? That was when General
Motors was making money hand over fist. That was when people in America worked for General Motors. That was when General Motors
had profits every year; enough to have profit sharing among the employees. How many of those executives go home at night and
reflect upon how they helped just one American that day?
At the end of your day, no
matter what business you are in - who have you helped? Have you taken the time to own up to your own ethics, moral substance
and your willingness to give of yourself? How have you helped your neighbor or fellow American? Think about it. What did you
do to help the economy today? Who did you financially rape today? Are you a bill collector who harassed the mother of three
children, one who has a life threatening illness, to the point that she felt she wanted to kill herself today? Was that chore
on your to-do list at work? Get the payment no matter what it takes?
I am willing to bet that there
are millions of people who aren't proud of what they do in their business life. What about you? Do you even know about your
own family and their needs? Are you filling the needs of your own families emotionally speaking? Do you care about anyone
but yourself. Shame on you if you are participating on the financial ruin of America. Shame on you all.
Why would someone spend thousands of hours designing & keeping up these websites to offer
free information to others?
I often receive e-mail that asks, "Who are you anyway? Why do you do this? It
must take thousands of hours to work on these sites!"
I have to reply - "You're absolutely right! It does take
many, many hours each day to work on these sites. I do not make a single penny on any of these sites, so why do I do it?
I use these sites to help others as well as learn everything
that is included in them for myself. I read every article & implement as much as I can into my own recovery process.
Helping others is so worthwhile for me. I enjoy working
on the computer, receiving e-mail from those trying to help themselves & are stuck with something or need help, and most
of all - you can learn so much more from helping others than you'll ever know unless you take on such a venture yourself."
I can only urge you to take the opportunity to send an e-mail
for your specific needs & to utilize the underlined link word opportunities as they
are so beneficial!
p.s. as for "who am i?" i'm just someone that is just like
you - searching for answers in recovery of many dysfunctions & mental illness (post traumatic stress disorder & others) that has made a commitment to helping others.
lifestyle diet

lifestyle exercise
to live is to
move.... learn how to start your life
all over again after months or years of inactivity or to improve your already established exercise routine for optimal physical
& mental health.
Lead by example....
& think of yourself differently....
imagine & see that your efforts are changing the lives of the others around you, as well as your own by leading by example on the path to wellness.
You're an important person.
Build your
lifestyle sleep
Do you know how much sleep you really need to maintain optimum physical & mental wellness? Do you know how your sleep habits can affect the quality of your sleep each night? Learn about how eating can affect sleeping & how sleeping can affect learning & how exercising can affect sleeping.... well... should i keep going? no! just visit the lifestyle
sleep page to read all about it!
lifestyle relaxation
tai chi
can you believe someone is telling you it's not only okay to relax, it's necessary!?
it's lifestyle changes that allow us to "lighten up" & remember the simple joys in life like... blowing bubbles....
is here to tell you that if you've made the commitment to change your lifestyle - there's help w/in these pages so you can achieve your goals while working your plan! do you need to:
this is the place to begin to learn
how to do all that!
lifestyle counseling
lifestyle medication
finding a qualified, experienced & empathetic counselor takes time...
changes is offering
some guidelines to follow in your search for those who need some help in understanding how past life experiences, traumas & other crises you may have experienced can affect your life years later...
maybe you're experiencing some serious symptoms
of a mental illness & your life is on hold because the symptoms are so overwhelming. it could be you need to take some kind of medication to balance some chemicals in your brain.... when you can relieve the symptoms of a mental illness, you can then begin to
work on what's behind it all...
it's time to identify them, process them &
resolve them....
" There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Author Unknown
Grow, nuture patience, give of yourself without any expectations, help others while helping yourself. Build
up your sense of self esteem. Realize what a healthy sense of self esteem is. Contribute something, no matter how small.
" If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible
to you."
Matthew 17:20
Realign your priorities.
Make time to be a community participant, whether you do it from your home,
your neighborhood or your country.
Participate in &
model the American Spirit.
changes is part of ....
"the emotional feelings network of sites".....
why visit all the separate sites in the network?
each site has its own special message that could possibly answer personal & individually specific questions for
figuring out your personal puzzles. everyone has different problems but all of us share the same reasons for carrying on those
problems.... we just don't know how to get out of the hole...
each site may help you somewhere in your journey to figure
out the answers to your own personal questions. solve your own personal puzzle. that's what life is all about.
here at changes... you can go to a page designated
for each site in the network to get a feel for how that site might help you.... just go to each... why wait? you may be postponing
for no good reason the possibility of turning on a light bulb in your darkened hallways of your mind.
Which of the following factors do you think is the primary barrier to your patients living a healthy lifestyle?
An inability to...
Healthfully - 7%
Exercise Regularly - 15%
Stop Smoking - 4%
All of the Above - 70%
None of the Above - 2%
Total Responses: 4031 Poll conducted 31-Jul-2003 - 08-Aug-2003
"i've just
gotta say it!"
November 2008
kathleen howe
I've just
gotta say it...
I've been
doing a great deal of self reflection work this month.
I haven't been good to myself and it's time that habit stopped forever. How about that? I not only wish that I'd made
this commitment to myself much sooner; I wish that I had realized the importance of being good to ones' self. Does this sound like
something you would be able to admit about yourself? Think about it for awhile and then continue thinking about
it until you come up with a concrete conclusion.
I made a
commitment to myself about the emotional feelings network of sites and I've kept
my word. I made that commitment when there was only one site. Although the one site grew into a network of 28+ sites - I've
kept my commitment of continuing to work on these sites and hold them close to my heart. Therefore, along with the realization
that things have changed for me since that initial commitment - especially in the arena of personal growth and recovery -
I just want to be sure that everyone who is a fan of this network realizes that I'm going to work on in the coming year, making
some very profound changes in the sites.
I have always
kept the sites limited in space because they are free
sites; but now I have started with this site, paying a monthly fee to keep the site packed full of information past the economy
level of "freedom," to allow this site to grow in size instead of opening up anymore sites. Now I have to pay for this
site because it is well over the "free" amount of space and is continuing to grow because I'm paying the fee. I'm still not
working so this is difficult. I can't say that I'm not working - these sites are a lot of work!
And I have begun
sending out agent query letters in an attempt to publish my first book, titled, "Triggered" which
has to do with my real life living with post traumatic stress disorder, depression and the night eating disorder that I lived
with most of my life.
So that's
work, too, especially writing - that's lots of work.
I have also begun sending out agent query letters for the children's books I have written. I am pursuing my dream. This is
the first step I am making in keeping true to the second commitment I've ever made to myself. I have committed to being good
to myself so I am no longer allowing my self fulfilling prophecy of failure deemed by my father when I was only eighteen years
old to be true. I am going to be a very successful author and business woman and I am counting on myself to make it happen.
- I'm spending the $10.00 a month it takes to maintain
this site. Before long, that cost could double, triple - well there's 28+ sites and that's enough sites, they'll just have
to cost me money from now on to make them all larger! You must realize that I've spent so many hours on these sites for seven
years that I'd never be able to count them, but I've loved every minute of it.
My favorite
part of the sites has been meeting all of you out there.
You all have made a profound difference in my life. I've been so inspired and encouraged through the emails exchanged and
the friendships formed throughout my seven years with the emotional feelings network of sites - I just can't describe the
depth of emotion and feeling that has touched my heart through my correspondences with all of you. Thank you!
I can't imagine every leaving the sites behind, truly. It warms my heart to hear from you all and I know how painful and difficult life can be at times. I just hope
that something you find here helps you.
My goals
for my children's books are to have the proceeds from
those books go to a special fund for parents and children's mental health needs. I'm so hoping to start up a foundation that
allows parents who need help with their mental health and don't have insurance to get the help they need. This is a big goal,
but I have big ideas and now that I'm going to be good to myself - I'm going to be successful with this venture. Children
need mental health counseling as well. I think that there's also a huge need for a mental health assessment for all teachers.
Teachers have such an impact upon our children while they spend so much of their time in the classroom and unfortunately -
I've seen too many teachers needing a mental health assessment and no one has funding for those types of things. Perhaps this
foundation will be able to help with that project as well.
I've also
been attending to my "needs" in my new commitment to being good to myself. I've just recently gone to a sleep
clinic here at Kettering Hospital and I've been to visit a
new psychological nurse practitioner who evaluates you for medication needs, which I am trying to get straight with. I've
also started to go to counseling again, after having my PTSD triggered again. My brains have been almost solid mush lately
in changing meds and dealing with PTSD symptoms once again, but I'm fighting it. I won't give up. I'm doing what I need to
do to be healthy both mentally and physically.
Therefore, in keeping with my newest commitment, I'm hoping that you'll end
up seeing more to help you here at the emotional feelings network of sites.
Making some money will allow me to spend more time and money right here - finding information, answering emails and helping
those whom I can help in some way. I hope that this month you'll begin to see changes here at the homepage of the network.
I hope this month finds you all well and ready
to share a Thanksgiving Dinner with someone that you love or care about!
You Are Always Happy! By Alan Michael Ross
When you ask someone, ‘What
is the purpose of life?’, most people, after much umming & ahhing, say something like, ‘to be happy’.
We all have the desire to be happy. ‘Happy’ is some conglomeration of feeling good – light, free, strong, flowing – & not feeling bad – nothing to worry about, no fears & concerns.
This is what drives us.
If you observe yourself for a day you’ll see that in every situation we move away from situations where we don’t
feel good & towards that which we think will have us feel good. Right?
But what if the place we're looking for happiness is the wrong place?
Our main thought, even if we aren't aware of it, is that happiness is out there & over there. A misconception that things ‘out there’ MAKE us happy & so, GIVE us happiness.
If I can just get the world
to look the way I want, if this happens, if I have that, if I'm doing this… then I'll be happy… in the future. And if we get there, we’ll GET it.
So, we plan & do things
that'll hopefully result in us being happy with our lot in life. And this is our continual struggle & why life can sometimes be very tiring! Come on
happiness, where did you go?
I know you're around here
The thing is this, happiness is NOT a thing! A good job can’t GIVE it to us, our new clothes can’t GIVE it to us & our favourite
car can’t GIVE it to us.
How many times have you had
a car turn around to you & say, "There you go there’s a box of happiness, it’s for you!"
Several years ago I was sitting on a beach in Hawaii, where
I was living, watching the sun set on the Pacific Ocean & I was NOT happy! I was thinking, if I could just have this, be there, do that, THEN I'll be happy!
Then the shock of the contrast
hit me. Well this is paradise, if I’m not happy here, where?! So I thought back & remembered that a few months before I wasn’t happy thinking, if I could just get that job in Hawaii, live there, go to the beach, paradise, THEN I’ll be happy!
And I went back & back.
Same pattern. What if it’s not that ‘out there’ that makes me happy? Maybe it’s what I'm bringing to the party! Maybe it’s not a THING I can GET from out there?
So what is it if it’s not a thing that we can get? It’s a state of being.
You aren't having happy, you’re not doing happy, you’re BEING happy. Starts to sound pretty elusive at this point, right?!
Yes & no. The good
news is that happiness is our natural state. Why? Because we're happy when we're being ourselves.
Happiness is like the sun behind the clouds. It's always there. It’s just that what we think & do has us being some thing other than happy, like anxious, stressed, worried, bored & doubtful.
You're always happy, you're just not aware of it because you're paying attention to something else!
So, how do we experience
our happiness? This state of being our true selves. Well here are some pointers.
You can only be happy now!
If you notice yourself for one day you'll see that in the majority of
moments you want something else other than what's happening now – we're UNHAPPY WITH NOW!
We think that, if it was like this, if he didn’t do that, if I had this, then it would be better. When we
set goals or think about what we want in life it is always, I'll be happy when I have this, do that, sort this situation out in the FUTURE. But tomorrow never comes. And the cycle
continues. You can only be happy now!
The very thought that happiness is ‘over there’ means that it’s ‘not here’ & that becomes your experience. Your mind
is like a Xerox machine, it simply copies your thoughts that generate your experience.
So, what to do? Know
that happiness is a NOW experience. You can only experience your being happy now. And if you keep waiting for it, it'll wait. Accept your circumstance now & be happy.
Focus on what you want
Many times what
stops us from being happy now is that we're being concerned, anxious, even fearful of the future – we're UNHAPPY WITH THE FUTURE!
This can be the next 15 minutes,
hour, day, or week. So what are we doing? Simple, we're focussing on what we don’t want to happen.
Thinking about all the things, that could happen, that you don’t want & not being happy about them!
Stop doing that
to yourself! It doesn’t feel good!
So it’s simple. When you catch yourself worrying about the future,
notice that you're thinking about what you don’t want & think AGAIN! Best not hold on too tight though. I suggest you…
Let go & flow!
In our desire to reduce ‘bad situations’ & increase ‘good situations’, we continuously monitor &
control with our minds. I have to do this, sort that out, make sure this happens & on & on. This creates stress.
We're still thinking that we can only be happy when xyz happens & worrying that if we don’t control it, it won't happen.
What to do? Realize that your being happy is nothing to do with what ‘happens’ & be happy NOW. Decide what you want then let it go. Trust in yourself & let the results flow.
A technique to make all this possible
This technique is so simple that it may be dismissed. But try it for yourself & you'll see. It’s simple, but it may not be easy… to begin with anyway, because it's the opposite of what
you're doing now, but like anything it gets easier with practice & becomes habitual. AND it'll change your life. Ready?
WATCH! That’s it. Watch, observe, listen... whatever you want to call it. Observe your thoughts, feelings & things that are happening. No need to judge, analyze or get involved.
Simply watch!
You may have thoughts come up about what you're doing as you're doing this but just watch them go by as well! It’s the passing parade. No
need to get involved. They're merely ‘suggestions’ for you to consider, or not.
happens? You begin to realize that everything is just a thought & you can choose to take it on & get involved, or not. You begin to connect to more of your experience, rather than being distracted.
You feel
free, calm, centered, stronger, with peace of mind… sounds like being happy!
The secret
So what do you discover?
There are no ‘bad situations’ or ‘good situations’! Only that which you think they are. The meaning you put on them. Like ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’.
You create
your own good & bad by your thoughts about things. So, you have the power to let that go… And BE happy NOW!
Happiness Coach, Alan Michael Ross, is dedicated
to helping people improve their experience of life with THE HAPPINESS PROGRAM. Get his FREE 101-day Self-Awareness Coaching
Programme and more FREE resources by visiting www.HappinessZone.com.
it's e-mail from you all .... you who visit my sites that keeps me encouraged to work these sites & motivated to continue to update them....
take some time to think about the fact that i began with one website, a few years ago....
thanks for visiting changes! hope to see you back
soon in support of those positive healthy changes you are wanting to make!
the following web links are provided for your
convenience in visiting the source sites for some of the information on this page:
Click here to visit the Red Cross page that allows you to access
your local chapter of the Red Cross by entering your zip code in the specified box, to see how you can help in your area.
thanks for visiting changes!
this website is part of the emotional
feelings network of sites...
visit emotional feelings, emotional feelings,
too!, emotionalfeelings, 3 - emotional feelings, 4 - feeling emotional, feeling emotional, too , feeling emotional, 3 - feeling emotional, 4 - extremely
emotional isn't available any
longer / you can now visit feeling emotional, 5 - your unemotional side - the layer down under - the self pages - anxieties 101 - night eating - teenscene - abuse 101 - children 101 - parental alienation - try recovering 101
for more emotions, feelings
& important info
this is simply an
informational website concerning emotions & feelings. it does not advise anyone to perform methods -treatments -
practice described within, endorse methods described anywhere within or advise any visitor with medical or psychological
treatment that should be considered only thru a medical doctor, medical professional, or mental health professional.
in no way are we a medical professional or mental health professional.