
the emotional feelings network of sites is a not
for profit personal network of sites offering information for self help purposes. In no way should the information within
this site replace advice given to you by a medical or mental health professional. Please, take the time to notify your doctor
of any changes you intend upon making concerning your diet, exercise, relaxation, sleep, counseling or medications.
the emotional feelings network
of sites works on a navigational system designed for ultimate education and understanding of all topics. Upon educating and understanding the information within the network it will be the most beneficial experience for you to make changes or take action in your life for change.
All underlined link words open up a new window instead of changing your present one, taking you to another site
within the emotional feelings network of sites - or to another site referencing
the underlined link word!
If you have any questions, comments, concerns or would like to communicate
with me via e-mail by clicking here!
Are you able to accept some simple advice? |

It's very important that you visit the: keeping in touch page!
You can help yourself by helping others. You might not think so; but it's true. Find something you can do to help some worthy causes. "Keeping in Touch" will show you some important causes that need you!

hi all!! from Dayton, Ohio...
yes, it's me the same crazy woman with all the websites,
such as:
keeping up with those of you who want to make some permanent changes in your
I'm here for you! Here trying to persuade
you that changing your lifestyle is an important & essential step in finding well being both mentally & physically....

for a personal touch or to simply
reach out to someone to make a connection! click here to send me an e-mail!
I was personally very touched by this inspiring story as I watched it on
television last night (2/27/07); especially after I experienced a life altering injury which took me 2 years to recover from.
What I want to ask you is...
If you can't help out with the helmets, below for our military men, can
you volunteer or help our returning soldiers who are recovering with extreme traumatic brain injury?
Here are some links!
Check them out, I know that my family will be searching for a way we can help!
Remember, extreme or traumatic physical injuries affect mental health as well.
What is Operation Helmet?
Founded in 2003 by Dr. Robert H. Meaders whose grandson is an active duty Marine in Iraq, Operation Helmet is a nonpartisan 501(c)(3) organization dedicated
to providing safer helmet pad upgrade kits to the troops in Iraq & Afghanistan.
To date, more than 6,000 kits have been shipped to the troops in the field.

click here! |
I'd love to know how you are doing in your journey to physical & mental
well being!
Your e-mails are always
important to me. Just send me an e-mail & you won't receive an impersonal auto-reply - within 24 hours you will receive
a "personal reply" from me w/any answers, replies or suggestions or whatever I can do for you to help you continue to
go forward!
If you're looking for:
- additional information on a specific
need, medical information, mental health information
- help in finding treatment through
a medical professional or mental health professional
- help in finding funding (if there is a way - i think i can find it) for
medical or mental health treatment
i'll try my best to help you out!
& if you're wondering why i so adamantly offer the opportunity for email, please take the time to read the article: "guilt &
unworthiness...." located on the homepage, left hand column,
about 1/2 way down the page! it's worth the few minutes of your time it will take to read it!
with issues of abuse in your past? visit the new sexual abuse page....
it features new opportunities for those resolving emotions & feelings concerning sexual abuse issues in their past or present... click the
above underlined link to get there now!
just click here to send me an e-mail - even if you just feel like saying "hello" !!! every e-mail i receive helps me to be encouraged in my recovery journey...
it's really great to know that someone important,
just like you, has visited this site & found something that was interesting for their situation!

remembering september eleventh always & forever |
i really do care about
each one of you !!!!
it's e-mail from you all .... you who visit my sites that keeps me encouraged to work these sites & motivated to continue to update them....
take some time to think about the fact that i began with one website, a few years ago....
thanks for visiting changes! hope to see you back
soon in support of those positive healthy changes you are wanting to make!
Click here to visit the Red Cross page that allows you to access
your local chapter of the Red Cross by entering your zip code in the specified box, to see how you can help in your area.
thanks for visiting changes!
this website is part of the emotional
feelings network of sites...
visit emotional feelings, emotional feelings,
too!, emotionalfeelings, 3 - emotional feelings, 4 - feeling emotional, feeling emotional, too , feeling emotional, 3 - feeling emotional, 4 - extremely
emotional isn't available any
longer / you can now visit feeling emotional, 5 - your unemotional side - the layer down under - the self pages - anxieties 101 - night eating - teenscene - abuse 101 - children 101 - parental alienation - try recovering 101
for more emotions, feelings
& important info
this is simply an
informational website concerning emotions & feelings. it does not advise anyone to perform methods -treatments -
practice described within, endorse methods described anywhere within or advise any visitor with medical or psychological
treatment that should be considered only thru a medical doctor, medical professional, or mental health professional.
in no way are we a medical professional or mental health professional.